The waste ground is a jungle of flora. Here is a list of some of what is growing there.
Common Ragwort
Wild Radish
Field Thistle
Field Sorrel
Broad-leaf Dock
Red Clover
Stinging Nettle
Great Bindweed
Elmleaf Blackberry
Narrow- leaf Plantain
Hawthorn berries
Pendulous Sedge
Virginia Rose
Bastard Cabbage
Wild Morning Glory
Broad-leaf Enchanter’s- nightshade
Trailing Bellflower
Spear Thistle
Narrow-leaf Cat-tail (aka Bulrush)
Common Bent
Basket Willow
Pussy Willow
Black Bulrush
Water Plantain
River Horsetail
Narrow-leaf Bird’s-foot Trefoil
I got six right, but confused field sorrel with redshank, and bind weed (morning glory) with datura. :)