The evening was quite rowdy with young folk running about in the woods. They were no bother, though. It was fascinating hearing their calls and laughter echoing through the trees. It’s a sound that cannot be heard in other surroundings.

The next day I went for another walk. This time I walked up to the little crossroads to pick up a path that took me to the West of the path to the Mount. I climbed through what looked like a quarry. The earthworks about are possibly Roman in origin.

Continuing up, I reached Windmill Hill. A Tudor windmill once stood there until the early 20th. century. Recent excavations have discovered an Iron Age settlement on the hill.

Holly (male)


The path then continues down to a tiny settlement of a farm, house

and pub.

I continued on past the pub towards another house, in front of which the path bears to the right.

Fly Agaric

Birch Knight

Little Wheel Fungus

Eventually, I reached a point below the Mount where I turned up the rudimentary steps to the top.

There the table below the Pulpit was full. A large family group were having their lunch. No matter. I sat on the mound upon which the Pulpit stands while I took advantage of the internet signal to catch up on posting photographs, etc.
It wasn’t long before the family group vacated the table and I was able to make use of it. As I was sat editing my blog, a chap stopped by. We got chatting. The chap introduced himself as Simon. I told him of the general direction and points of interest that I was aiming for. He suggested some Neolithic sites West of Bluebell Hill. I made a note of them. After a while we said farewell, I finished up what I was doing, then headed back down to the car park and home.
That evening was much quieter.
I spent the next day foraging for firewood, then cutting and chopping. Of course, there’s shed-loads! lt was all around me. I didn’t have to go more than a few feet from my caravan. After some lunch, I spent the afternoon with my nose in books trying to identify the mushrooms that I didn’t know. I also had a bit of a wander round with Rowan.
