Firstly, I thought I would explain why I used a swear word in a recent entry. Some may say that I should not use such language, especially when it is in a blog that is read by so many. There are many people who may be sensitive to such language, as well as children. You will notice that swearing like that is not something I regularly do. The context behind it’s use is what’s important and therefore why it is relevant and correct. It portrays intense anger and/or frustration. Just effing and blinding for the sake of it does nothing other than to show a lack of respect, intelligence and education.
In the meantime, we are all supposed to be in something called ‘lockdown‘. I‘m living on an industrial estate at present and although the road I’m parked on is a busy rat-run between the main road to town and the hospital, as well as access to a very large supermarket, I am surprised by the amount of traffic still flowing. It appears that there are an awful lot of ‘essential’ journeys that pass by me!
Barry came by to top up my water and drop off some parcels. He also gave me a roll of tissue paper as I had run out and none were to be found in the supermarket thanks to all those idiots who had panicked bought. (I still have no idea as to why they became so obsessed with toilet paper). The parcels were tools and parts for the truck. So hopefully, I can now finally get the truck completed. I expect you are wondering what‘s been going on with that. Patience dear friend, patience. I know I said I would soon tell you all about it, but I‘ve had a host of problems and delays, partly due to lack of finance. I reckon you’re going to need a spare Sunday afternoon when I do finally publish the story!
One good thing is the glorious weather we’ve been having. I was amazed to see a couple of people litter picking in the field I’m parked alongside. We had a brief chat. They were only doing a partial pick. They did not bother with any of the litter in the undergrowth. Apparently, they weren’t ‘allowed’ to!
In the evening, I was disturbed by the noise of a caravan being broken into. I opened the door to see what was going on. Sure enough, there was a bloke tearing into the caravan in front of me. I hollered. The bloke explained that he was towing away one of the caravans and needed to get into the other to retrieve the winding handle, but didn’t have a key to get in. He mentioned the owner of both caravans by name. The caravan he broke into is leaking badly, so the owner was happy for the Council to have the problem of disposing of it. He took the other away.
The next morning was the first day of the official ‘lockdown’. The police had decided to have a snoop around the field. Some-one mentioned the damaged caravan to them, so one of the constables came over to have a look. I told him what had occurred the evening before and had a little chat. He put a ‘police aware’ notice on it and left.
I spent the day pottering about doing loads of little jobs, as well as the usual forage for wood. I spotted a ladybird, the first one of the year. The trees are also unfolding the first leaves. Spring is here.
The next morning, I had occasion to go to the supermarket; (It is my only source of toilet facilities. The woods where I am are not really private enough). Entry to the store had been restricted to a single point. There was also a queuing system in place. Only one person at a time was being allowed to enter. They had a ‘one out, one in’ policy in force with no more than 100 persons in the store at any given moment. Plus, I noticed that the staff were gloved up at long last! I had a quick scout for any form of tissue paper and found a large kitchen roll. Perfect. Chatting to the cashier, I was told that the management had introduced the said policy as the masses were still acting like herds of sheep.
On on the way home I spotted a bumblebee.
Then it was back to foraging, pottering, chilling and reading.