I had originally thought that I would head for Blagden Lake before Chew Valley Lake and didn’t see any reason to divert from that. So, I turned off the road that would take me directly to Chew Valley Lake, heading back towards Burrington. Part way along the road I turned right for the town of Blagdon. In town, I picked up the road to the lake. Unfortunately, the road I had hoped to find a spot along turned out to be void of anything and was much narrower than I had anticipated. I followed the lanes circumnavigating the lake hoping to find some small corner, but, no, nothing. It was awfully tight in places. One tight corner was particularly so! After having almost completed the circumference I gave up and turned right towards Chew Valley Lake.
I arrived at the town of Chew Stoke where I turned down towards the lake. As I reached the lake I spotted some workmen, so asked whether parking was possible. I was told that many people parked alongside the wall ahead of me. I thanked them then poodled along looking for a spot. I don’t know what they were referring to as there was nothing suitable. Eventually, the road turned to the right where on the right was the entrance to a large car park and picnic area. I pulled in. Unfortunately, it was packed and there was no room for anything as large as my combo. After doing the circuit, I turned back out and continued. Another area appeared a short distance on, but looked far too narrow to fit through. I kept going.
Eventually, I ended up at Bishop Sutton and picked up the main road heading back towards the Mendips. The road crosses the southeast corner of the lake at Herriotts Bridge, where long, wide laybys open on both sides of the road. Chew Valley Lake is on the right and on the left is Herriotts Mill Pool. I tucked myself on the end with the hedge close by. That did me.

The next morning the gas ran out! Nightmare! No tea! Fortunately, the cats were in, so, I quickly tacked down and headed for the nearest large town. At Midsommer Norton, I spotted a large supermarket. I pulled in, did some shopping, then had a brew in the store café while I searched online for the nearest gas supplier. I couldn’t believe my luck. There was one along the road directly opposite the supermarket! I necked the tea. I quickly put the groceries away and went to find the gas supplier. Not long after, I was ready for the off again.