So this is post number 100. If you’re reading this, thank you, I haven’t bored you or scared you off in any way. Thank you for your continuing support and the lovely comments and messages. I’m still enjoying writing. I have loads of stuff already written waiting to be published. I’m a bit haphazard and have mood swings which is why my posts are so random.
I was going to apologise, but won’t. You would only say, “Nothing to apologise for.” and you’d be right, of course. If you’re still here, then you obviously accept my randomness. It may even appeal, LOL.
Anyway, thank you! ❤️
As it’s the 100th post, I thought I would ask you a small favour. Could you please ‘share’ this blog with as many people as you can. Apparently, it really helps; something to do with algorithms. I think it contributes to getting the website further up the list on the search engine thing.
Also, please subscribe if you can and haven’t already done so. I have a Facebook page ( and an Instagram page (, please ‘follow’ those, too and please ‘invite’ as many people as you can to do likewise.
I have 289 subscribers at this point and 151 who have upgraded to members. (That’s also free. I believe it allows you to comment or message or something.)
Hi Steve
lovely reading about your daily thoughts and yes it’s is very interest- sometimes funny and it keeps me amused too. regards