I think the table is Yew as the trunk has that nobbly bark that is common with Yews.

I turned the table on it’s head in order to clean the underside. It was then that I realised the mission ahead. The trunk was full of dirt. I had no idea how much. I started digging. I spent four or five hours clearing the dirt out. The operation was exacerbated by the amount the inner trunk was rotting by. In the end, I dug out up to twelve inches of dirt and rotten innards. Plenty of insect life had to move out, too, along with a slug and a sizeable spider. Finally, I swept the whole lot down, clearing out some seriously dense cobwebs. By the time I had finished, the table weighed half the weight it had been at the time I received it.

When I finally make it over there Steve, I'll take you up on your offer. I'm saying when and not if because I believe in the power of positive thoughts. We can share stories of our life experiences. I look forward to meeting you one day soon my friend.
Ah, you’re not exactly local. If you do ever get to this beautiful island, let me know. I will then tell you where I am and how to find me. You will be welcome to travel a bit with me. I tend to ‘green lane’ everywhere. I don’t use the main roads much. When I do, it’s over a short distance. A mate and I calculated that I had travelled an average of 3.4 miles per day on my journey from Cornwall to where I am now; Hastings.
The area I'm in is known as The Ozarks. I'm in the United States, southern Missouri, but hoping to make it to your country one day. I have a friend in London who has invited me over and offered to play tour guide. When I do make it there, I just want to drive and see the out of the way places and not the standard "tourist" areas.
I'd love one of your tables, but the distance is why I said I need to try making one myself. The festivals you talk about and the amazing people you meet make me wish I was over there and seeing what you're experiencing. Maybe one day I can at least see the…
Hi Terri, Thank you for your lovely comments. The table is of course, for sale. The more work I do to it, the more value it will have. I have a few stumps in storage that I want to get here. They’re in Cornwall at present. Whereabouts in the world are you? You are welcome to pop by for a brew and a chinwag whenever you’re passing. If you spot me on the road, be sure to give me a wave. Wiz
If I lived close, I'd be waving my hand letting you know I'm interested in the table. I love the stump and I can just imagine how gorgeous it will look when you've completed it. I need to look on my place and see if I can find any interesting tree trunks for this type of project. I'm looking forward to following your progress with the table. I've enjoyed seeing the changes you've made to your home. I also like reading the thoughts and memories you've been sharing with us. I hope you have a great week! Oh, and no more unexpected guests. 😉